Minneapolis Neighborhood Organizations
The City of Minneapolis, through its Neighborhood and Community Relations (NCR) Department, engages its 83 neighborhoods by providing funds and other supports to the 70 neighborhood organizations that represent them.
Click here to learn how the city provides funding support to neighborhood organizations.
Neighborhood organizations or associations (as they are commonly called) are local fully independent 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that operate at the neighborhood grassroots block-level.
Note: Neighborhood organizations/associations are NOT homeowner associations or HOAs.
The Windom neighborhood (SW Minneapolis) is represented by the Windom Community Council (WCC). ​
​What neighborhood organizations do
Neighborhood organizations help residents plan and advocate for the future of their neighborhood.
Below is a description of the 3 key roles they play in the life-blood of a neighborhood.
Each neighborhood organization:
Serves one or more neighborhoods.
Is an independent nonprofit.
Has a volunteer board of directors, elected by neighborhood residents.
Holds regular open meetings.
If you live in a Minneapolis neighborhood, you have a local neighborhood organization that represents you.
Each neighborhood organization:
Stays up to date on City plans and neighborhood trends.
Makes residents aware of activity related to topics like:
Affordable housing
Environmental concerns
Neighborhood safety
Other livability issues
Helps you and your neighbors make your voice heard on plans for your neighborhood.
Each neighborhood organization works to engage residents. Their methods include:
Knocking on doors
Conducting surveys
Holding focus groups
Hosting community-building events
Welcoming you to committee meetings
Sending out newsletters​